Según la titularidad jurídica y económica, los centros se clasifican en públicos y privados, y estos últimos se dividen a su vez en privados concertados y no concertados. Si el titular de un centro es una administración pública, el centro es público; mientras que si el titular es una persona física o jurídica de carácter privado, el centro es privado. Los centros concertados son los centros privados acogidos al régimen de conciertos legalmente establecidos.
According to the legal and economic ownership, schools are classified into state and private, and the second type is subdivided into private schools and not subsidized. If the owner of a school is a public administration, it's a state school, whereas if the owner is a person of a private kind, the center is private. Subsidized schools are private schools covered by the legally established concert.
According to the legal and economic ownership, schools are classified into state and private, and the second type is subdivided into private schools and not subsidized. If the owner of a school is a public administration, it's a state school, whereas if the owner is a person of a private kind, the center is private. Subsidized schools are private schools covered by the legally established concert.